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스카이월드-불새스쿨 사업자등록번호501-22-80187 통신판매업번호 제2012-대구중구-2898호 대표자 - 김치호 - 문의전화 - (010-3509-2234) - - - - - - - - - 이메일 ( edelsports@hanmail.net ) 회사주소 - 대구시 중구 동문동 10-2번지 대구 패러글라이딩 체험비행 주소- 대구 중구

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Mantar Paragliding XC Open 2017 is The International Paragliding Cross Country Championship. The comp will be run in high level standard but with friendly and fun atmosphere.
Mantar is a Wonderful Fling Site and still "Virgin" to be explored.
Surrounded by beautiful beaches with multiple waves where you can choose to play surf boarding, kite surfing, sea kayaking, snorkeling, even just to see the sunset and dream ;)

Nicky Moss will become The Meet Director for this event.
Supported by ACPA (Asian Continental Paragliding Association).

We please you to join this even.
Feel free to tag, share an invite your friends.
Big thanks!

Stay tune for our news update.

ps: Sponsors are very welcome