블로그 이미지
스카이월드-불새스쿨 사업자등록번호501-22-80187 통신판매업번호 제2012-대구중구-2898호 대표자 - 김치호 - 문의전화 - (010-3509-2234) - - - - - - - - - 이메일 ( edelsports@hanmail.net ) 회사주소 - 대구시 중구 동문동 10-2번지 대구 패러글라이딩 체험비행 주소- 대구 중구

최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

글 보관함


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요약설명 - 1,000m급의 활공장에서 패러글라이딩으로 이륙하여 약 20km 떨어진 높이 2,500m 눈덮힌 산정상까지 날아올라가서 산정상에 착륙하여 등에 지고간 가방속의 날개를 꺼내어 작은것으로 (패러슈트) 교체하여 스키를 타면서 작은 날개로 활강하는것을 보여줍니다.

스키로 눈이쌓인 산의 가장 아래쪽 까지내려오면 다시  큰날개(패러글라이더 로 바꾸어 산정상까지 날아올라가서 다시 스키를 타고 반복하여 활강하며 내려가는 것입니다,

연락처 - 010-3509-2234 (체험비행, 교육신청 등)

 체험신청   http://gopara.tistory.com/354


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


연락처 - 010-3509-2234 (체험비행, 교육신청 등)

 체험신청   http://gopara.tistory.com/354


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school



104세 할머니의 패러글라이딩 도전기동영상 (세계기록)



연락처 - 010-3509-2234 (체험비행, 교육신청 등)

 체험신청   http://gopara.tistory.com/354


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school

연락처 - 010-3509-2234 (체험비행, 교육신청 등)

 체험신청   http://gopara.tistory.com/354


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu.

This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


패러글라이딩 2인승 고급~체험비행 안내

교육 구분


비행 시간

소요 시간

비  고

체험 비행

학생   80,000

10분 이상


2일 전까지
사전 예약
전국 활공장

일반 100,000

10분 이상


장거리 500,000

2시간 이상
























연락처 - 010-3509-2234 (체험비행, 교육신청 등)

 체험신청   http://gopara.tistory.com/354


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school


There is many paragliding place in the City of Daegu


This is a professional paragliding school in Daegu.
If you contact us, you can get more information here.
URL - http://www.gopara.co.kr
E-MAIL - edelsports@hanmail.net
Tel - 010-3509-2234
School name - Fire bird school