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스카이월드-불새스쿨 사업자등록번호501-22-80187 통신판매업번호 제2012-대구중구-2898호 대표자 - 김치호 - 문의전화 - (010-3509-2234) - - - - - - - - - 이메일 ( edelsports@hanmail.net ) 회사주소 - 대구시 중구 동문동 10-2번지 대구 패러글라이딩 체험비행 주소- 대구 중구

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행글라이더 낙하산의 개산 미스유형


Bob Grant, skydog@skynet.ca sends in these photos of Joe Bostik's flight at Wallaby Ranch on Saturday:

Joe as Bob first got him on his video camera






Joe twenty six seconds later







Joe near the ground 30 seconds after Bob first starting filming him. Notice how much the parachute is wrapped up given where it was when Bob started filming.

Photos courtesy of Bob Grant, London, Ontario, Canada.